A Garden Crazy with Creativity

Planted boots

Pakua Child

Un Jardin Fou


and why not yours?


Feeling good and in tune with yourself. 

How can we help those who go to school or back to work to blossom? A well-placed quartz crystal on the desk will suffice; and what can you do in the garden? Reveal and activate your creative side, to bring out the best in yourself and feel happy to be the painter-architect of your own garden. To enjoy the pleasure of sharing this private space with family, friends and acquaintances. To communicate your passion for nature to others, there's nothing like the garden sector.

Talking to a friend, she told me that her son lived in Scotland and had 3 jobs: climbing instructor, photographer and musician. I asked her if he was happy and managed to live well with his 3 jobs. The answer was positive, and his face lit up as the conversation progressed, as I said to him: "You see, some people have just one job and get bored with it, but he has three and is completely fulfilled. That's exactly what the Western sector (7) is all about, feeling good about what you do and working that part of your garden to your wildest dreams.

This area in the West is very active, resonating with that of family and roots in the East. It's a Creative Garden, the child side of yourself, so let loose. The orchard is very well placed in this area, and you can create one to share, harvest the fruit and distribute it to the needy like this new Belgian association FruitCollect or others like the Colibri movement in France, an idea from England, the Incroyables Comestibles. It's a garden that's open to others.

And as they say, he's completely out of it! You create as you see fit, alone, with others, sharing with friends, children or grandchildren. Their opinion is highly recommended, they must appreciate it, listen to them, they are your guides.

To each his own, according to his own style: a garden in pots of all kinds; another friend of mine in Neauphe-le-Château has created a poetic atmosphere throughout the town in total complicity with the municipal gardeners, which is well worth the detour. She bought some old teapots, planted them with her association LOJP (L'Oiseau Jardinier-Philosophie) and hung them along the railing of La Gouttière footpath.

And here are a few other ideas: woven gardens, garden embroidery, sculptures, plant walls with or without recycled materials, tree houses, a garden of simple plants, low dry-stone walls, flowering and/or fruity arches, espalier gardens, gardens where animals can roam freely, biodiversity areas where everything is allowed to grow, play gardens for children, a pottery or other workshop, colorful, recycled, collection or stone gardens, an enchanted garden...

To be avoided in the West sector: the presence of water over a large area and in large quantities: a pond or swimming pool.

A little reminder if needed of the energies of these zones (favorite colors, shapes & materials) on the site and a greater development in my book and a free tip on my blog.

O : On the child's side

E : Family and Health

The Book : Mon Jardin Feng-Shui et Moi


1. Change your look,
2. Make up your mind & activate this sector,
3. Train and grow.



Sessions 2020 : 

Stone Energy, Energy of Water & The Energy of Trees



And to start the 2nd Edition of > My Feng-Shui Garden & Me


On the child's side

Planted boots

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