Clarifying your garden



Clarifying your garden


According to the most ancient teachings, the invisible vital force or energy known as ch'i flows through and permeates everything, even us! Feng-Shui is all about directing and harmonizing this flow of ch'i in the home and garden.

Let the ch'i circulate freely, the atmosphere will be invigorated, energized and conducive to inspiration. Eliminating clutter in the garden is an essential act of health.

I'll admit it, I've also found myself keeping things I had no use for, some of which were in very poor condition - who hasn't? So practice one of the Feng-Shui principles of "Clean Space" every day, or whenever you feel like it. Like me, carry out a spring cleaning that applies to all your spaces: home and garden. Keep only what you need, as accumulations prevent the area or areas concerned* from breathing and shining as they should.

Have fun observing where you tend to make a big mess and what happens to you afterwards as a result of your cleaning action. You can even add an intention, but don't forget to say thank you after receiving your surprise gift. So opt for the following principles, known as the "3 golden rules of Feng-Shui":

1. Sort,
2. Store,
3. Donate, sell or throw away.


“Une terrasse Feng-Shui comprend un espace pratique pour se retrouver avec le nombre de sièges identique au nombre de personnes vivant à la maison, la table sera ronde, carrée, octogonale, rectangulaire ou d’une autre forme suivant le secteur aménagé. Cette terrasse inclura aussi les éléments décoratifs que vous aimez et qui vous permettent de vous détendre telle cette jarre à admirer, ce bassin à écouter et ces végétaux à explorer, tout en gardant un équilibre de lecture architecturale entre le Yin et le Yang… Pensez à garder l’eau claire en permanence soit en utilisant des plantes dépolluantes soit en faisant circuler l’eau ou bien en la renouvelant.”

Related article:

Origins of Feng-Shui




Sessions 2020 : 

Stone Energy, Energy of Water & The Energy of Trees



And to begin > My Feng-Shui Garden & Me


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