Feng-Shui plants in my home


Why install


at home,

in his apartment

and at the office?


What could be more natural than a plant? It's a beautiful friend, beneficial to our health; its foliage absorbs pollutants from our interiors, the steam it gives off humidifies the ambient air and purifies it, and its roots transform these pollutants into nutrients. So we can choose between Feng-Shui plants and depolluting plants, which can often combine these 2 qualities.

Feng-Shui plants are a simple tool to use. In addition to purifying your living or working space, they increase its energy, harmonize and balance it, and boost our morale.


Follow our easy recipes:


1. Prefer potted plants or cut flowersDried flowers, symbols of death and sterility, have no place here; then bonzaïs are to be avoided, as they are symbols of reduction and slowed, unnatural growth; finally, cacti, which are not very popular in Feng-Shui, have their place, phew! (See point 4).


2. As many plants as you like, in a balanced way, it's up to you to feel what suits you best. Then remember to water, feed organically and preferably air out your home for at least 15 minutes every morning. A healthy exchange between outside and inside energies in the morning will allow your "home" to benefit from the day's new influences.


3. Now, what are the favorite rooms to welcome the beauty of plants? Everywhere except bedrooms and bathrooms. And at the very least in the kitchen (think herbs), living room, dining room and office; think also of the entrance and bathroom. Leave bay windows clear, and place plants not too high up so that the indoor-outdoor flow can operate. In blind or sharp corners, you can recreate a living space or neutralize an offensive spot (such as an uncomfortable wall angle), simply by adding plants.


4. Where are Feng-Shui plants most useful? In the East, South-East and South sectors. These are privileged areas, since they include 2 woodland zones and 1 fire zone. In the other sectors, they are also welcome, but in smaller numbers. Cacti can be placed in the North-East or South, making your wisdom and reputation all the more piquant. When you leave on a trip, put them in front of your front door - they're said to scare off thieves... Finally, a little kinesiology test will tell you exactly where to place them in the room you've just decorated. If your plant is dying even though it's well cared for, move it and you'll see it regain its color!


5. What shapes and colors to choose? Soft shapes, round leaves, elongated but broad, avoid overly pointed leaves except in the East, North-East and South. Favourite colors (bearing in mind that there will always be a green base everywhere): North, East and South-East: blue, black; North-East, Central and South-West: yellow, orange, red; South: pink, red; West and North-West: white, grey, silver. For complementary colors, see the rest of my book.


6. And now what to choose? Even if Feng-Shui suggests a symbolism that can help you, if you don't like the plant, don't take it! The choice is so vast that you can turn to another. It's got to be there.


To purify waves: telephone, television, computer, wifi...nothing like a Spathiphyllum, for tobacco an Anthurium or a Papyrus, to produce negative ions a Lemon tree and an Orange tree (lucky charms in Feng-Shui, to be placed on either side of your front door in summer and in the living room to the west in winter).


In Feng-Shui, Croton for well-being, Bamboo for rejuvenation, concentration and security, Ficus for a zen interior, Ivy for union, Orchids for femininity and to stimulate clairvoyance, Narcissus for good luck, Chrysanthemum for a wealthy life, Crassula Ovata or "Jade Tree" for abundance ... well, you'll find over 100 pages on the subject in my book, for inside and out.

Get out your aprons, pots and shovels; happy indoor planting 🙂




1. Take a look inside,

2. Choose a spot (or spots) and fill it with plants,

3. Let your interior breathe and recharge.




Sessions 2020 : 

Stone Energy, Energy of Water & The Energy of Trees




And to begin > My Feng-Shui Garden & Me


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12 answers

  1. You speak of Feng Shui with such lightness and ease that it makes us feel like we're growing wings to learn more and more.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hello
    I have in my bedroom, living room and bathroom plants can you help me they are with the leaves are long and rounded are they well in place
    I have photos of them, how can I send them to you?

  3. Hello,
    I have a sanseviera plant and I don't know where to put it in my apartment,
    I've been advised against it.
    Because of its very sharp leaves.
    Especially since I'm having problems with my neighbors, who can't stand my son's footsteps, and my apartment is very poorly soundproofed.... I don't feel comfortable in this place and the situation with my son's father is not good, I'm separated and I'm in a bad financial situation......
    What advice can you give me?

    1. Hello Nathalie,

      Sanseviera is a depolluting plant that you can place in the South for your fame or in the North-East of your apartment for knowledge and personal development; I advise you against the South-West, which is the relationship sector.
      For your personal concerns, tidy up the South-West and South-East of your apartment, throw away anything you no longer need, and avoid broken objects in these areas.

      If you need more information, please contact me at lejardin.fengshui@gmail.com
      Good afternoon.

  4. Hello Nathalie,
    Thank you for all this valuable information.
    I have a potted Aloe Vera, in very good condition, on my mantelpiece, to the north.
    As there are species of pointed woodpeckers on it, if I've understood correctly it's a plant to be avoided? If so, what can I do with it?
    Thank you in advance for your reply 😉

  5. bonjour j'ai une aléol vera dans quelle pièce je dois la mettre
    a white ys in which room
    dracaena in which room
    cursula ovata in which room I'm waiting for your answers thank you

    1. Bonjour,
      Toutes les plantes peuvent être heureuses partout.
      En Feng-Shui, cette année 2021 jusqu’à début février évitez de les mettre au Sud-Ouest.
      (Regardez ma vidéo sur la Flying Star sur Youtube sur la chaîne “So Feng-Shui”)
      Pour l’Aloé Véra l’Est est un bon secteur,
      Pour le Lys blanc, je vous conseille le Nord-Est,
      Pour le Dracaéna, le Sud:
      Pour la Crassula Ovata, le Sud-Est est tout indiqué.
      Bon placement de vos plantes Nicole.

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